Creativity is not something one can learn from someone else, rather it is something you learn from yourself, by letting go. Throwing paint on a canvas, or ripping a hole in the middle of a drawing. No one person is going to have the same definition of creativity, or what is creative. How exciting is that? No matter what you create, it will be art to someone. You just have to find them..
Being unique is something that is always looked for. "How is this person different from that person", and "How does that person stand out from everyone else?" The strive to be unique isn't unique at all, and you can lose yourself along the way. Just be yourself, I mean no one can be me, besides me right? That is uniqueness in itself.
Art is not just for the "free-spirited-tree-huggers" like me. It is for everyone. You surround yourself with art every day. That ad on the bus. Art. Your collection of baseball cards. Art. Your 3 year old's "drawing" of you. Art. Art has zero boundaries for who it is for. Art is one of the very few things that can connect two people with zero of the same interest. The piece may signify different things to those two people, yet the piece of art unifies them together.
Welcome to the Untamed Palette, where artistry needs are unleashed!